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  • Intent

    Our Physical Education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in sport and other physically demanding activities. At Dersingham Primary School, we are committed to ensuring that all children enjoy sport and physical activity. We strive to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that empower every pupil to achieve their personal best. Our goal is to actively engage our pupils in lessons and help them develop a lifelong love and understanding of the benefits of physical activity for their physical and mental health so they go on to live active and healthy lives.

  • Implementation

    At Dersingham our pupils fully engage, collaborate, compete, and communicate effectively with one another in their PE lessons and demonstrate a great deal of enthusiasm and enjoyment.

    We use Complete PE support planning and ensure content and delivery is age appropriate. This comprehensive PE program provides a clear progression of physical skills that are tailored to meet the needs of individuals so that they work towards achieving their personal best. Our pupils are not only successful in their individual pursuits, but they also actively represent the school in inclusive sporting events such inter-school football tournaments.

    PE at Dersingham Primary School provides challenging and enjoyable learning through a range of sporting activities including; Invasion Games, Net & Wall Games, Strike and Field Games, Gymnastics, Dance, Outdoor & Adventure Activities and Swimming.

  • Impact

    At Dersingham Primary School, we ensure that our PE curriculum is inclusive and progressive, giving all children the opportunity to acquire and develop fundamental knowledge, understanding, skills, and techniques, and apply them to a wide variety of sports and activities. We strive to make PE lessons fun, enjoyable, and challenging, so that all children can achieve to the best of their ability in a supportive, safe, and stimulating environment.

    Our pupils are actively engaged in physical activity, which has a positive impact on their learning in the classroom. They not only learn how to lead a healthy lifestyle but also understand the importance of regular exercise and activity for their physical and mental wellbeing. Our aim is for all pupils to enjoy PE and develop a love for sport and physical activity, which will hopefully continue beyond their time in Primary School.

    Throughout the school day, we actively encourage our pupils to exercise during playtimes and lunchtimes. Our Mid-day meal supervisors are actively engaged in supporting physical activities during playtime. In addition, we regularly offer a range of after-school clubs that are available to all pupils.

    In PE, we also measure impact by:

    • Regular learning walks
    • Pupil questionnaires
    • PE Premium spend analysis
    • Analysis of participation at after school clubs and competitions
    • Assessment data
    • Photo and video analysis of children’s practical work

Commonwealth Games Festival

At Dersingham we ensure that children are exposed to high quality/standard PE curriculum that allows them to shine and parade their skills set in a range of different sports. This academic year, we were really fortunate as since the recent covid restrictions we had not been able to take part in many sporting activities, competitions and events. We were lucky enough to get our year 5 students on a 2-week intense swimming course at the Stratford Aquatics centre. We also brought in a yoga and mindfulness specialist that worked with our ks1 and 2 students on a weekly basis. We felt this was important as it would help the children with their flexibility, mental health and well-being, co-ordination and balance. At Dersingham we have encouraged that student's be more active which led us to also draft in a dance teacher from Freshly squeezed dance who has taught a variety of different classes specialized in dance to our students throughout the whole school helping develop our pupil's co-ordination, balance and rhythm. Dersingham have also hosted and taken part in many competitions with other schools in the Newham Borough such as: Hot potato competition (which Dersingham Primary school hosted), Football competitions, Multi sports competitions and most recently Newham's very own Commonwealth Games Festival which included sports such as Badminton/ Hockey/ tag rugby and para-Olympics (SEND)

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