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    We have a process of monitoring to ensure standards and this includes, observations, performance management and learning walks. Assessment for Learning techniques are incorporated in every Reading lesson, including feedback and appropriate marking. Each half term, Year Groups undertakes a formative assessment, the results of which are not published, but used for future planning and to highlight any individual learning gaps. Teachers make termly judgements for each pupil against year group expectations and bring this information to Pupil Progress meetings, alongside updates on intervention groups. We report the standards for individual pupils at the end of Reception, Year 2 and Year 6 and for pupils in Year 1 who take the Phonics screening check.

    By the time children leave Dersingham, they are fluent, confident and able readers, who can access a range of texts for pleasure and enjoyment, as well as use their reading skills to unlock and enhance their knowledge and understanding of all subjects on the curriculum.

RWI image

At Dersingham, we follow the RWI phonics program. RWI stands as a comprehensive phonics initiative encompassing top-notch training, assessment, intervention, and resources, including decodable books. All incoming staff members undergo thorough training in the RWI approach, supplemented by continuous support and training for existing teachers through practice sessions and coaching. We implement targeted interventions to assist students in keeping pace with the program. As part of fostering early independent reading skills, children exclusively engage with RWI fully decodable books, ensuring they only encounter sounds they have already learned.

The Ruth Miskin Training Youtube channel has lots of helpful videos for parents to watch to help them to understand the programme and how it works. Here are a few of them: 

What is RWI phonics?

Understanding phonics 

How to say the sounds 

Visit from an Author

At Dersingham, we ensure that children are exposed to a rich Writing Curriculum that allows them to excel and display their creativeness in a range of genres. This academic year, we were fortunate to be visited by an author 'Venessa Taylor'. Venessa writes books that include a range of diverse characters that children can relate to. The children found the session with Venessa exciting and all were engaged, with some, even discussing how they would like to be an author when they grow up. Amazingly, Venessa also gifted us some signed copies of her book 'Baller Boys' for the children to enjoy during their reading sessions.  

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