Our school SENDCO is Dawn Holmes.
If you would like to contact her, please visit the school office or email
Dersingham Primary is part of the CPD Schools Federation within the local Authority of Newham. We follow the London Borough of Newham’s Policy for Inclusion in line with the SEND Code of Practice for children aged between 0 to 25 years (September 2014).
We believe that all teachers are responsible for the planning and teaching of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) within their mainstream classes. Equally, all children with SEND will be supported to reach their full potential through an adapted differentiated curriculum, which is in line with their developmental needs.Children with SEND will normally have their education needs met within mainstream.
Pupils in mainstream who are identified as having SEND may be supported on an individual, paired or small group basis within the classroom through an adapted curriculum. The school supports pupils by preparing for their next stages of learning by a curriculum that acknowledges not only statutory requirements but also focuses upon certain key elements. We believe that all pupils with SEND, irrespective of need, should leave Dersingham Primary with the ability to demonstrate emotional resilience, communication skills and independence.
Interventions are adapted and differentiated according to need and pedagogy and for some pupils with a significant SEND need there is access to specialists support through individual planned programmes that is designed to provide expertise in meeting needs of our pupils with SEND. The school employs a buy- in Speech and Language therapist as it recognises that a significant number of children on the SEND register present with Communication and Interaction difficulties.
The school works collaboratively with parents and the local community to ensure the holistic development of the child. We ensure that all members of the school and local community view our children with SEND positively. The views of our children with SEND are taken into account in the planning of the educational provision that is afforded to them. Parents/Carers and school, work in partnership to secure outstanding outcomes for our pupils thus ensuring that our inclusive provision is valued by all.
We are proud to have gained the Inclusive Quality Mark 2021/2022- 2024/2025 and we look forward to applying for an autism specialist award through the NAS(National Autistic Society).

Inclusive Education - At Dersingham, we follow a thematic approach, which is skills and context based and encourages active engagement in learning. The curriculum focuses on developing the key skills of language & communication, cognition, independence, physical development and self-care, all transferrable skills that equip children for the next stages of their learning as well as life beyond the school. Our curriculum strives to be responsive to each pupil and build on the individual strengths and interests. A thematic plan is in place, for pre-formal and semi-formal learners, which supports a balance of stimulating contexts for learning through varied learning experiences, themes, therapies, and subjects. Formal and semi-formal challenge pathways enable structured engagement, whilst pre-formal and semi-formal explore enables sensory engagement to learn effective. Teaching is linked to staff training and all staff receive professional development that is focused upon the learning needs of our pupils in the Pathways. The curriculum is adapted and differentiated according to need and pedagogy. The Curriculum Pathways prescribe what knowledge and skills children will learn. Each Curriculum Pathway is available to view on our website.
What are SEND pathways?
Learners at Dersingham Primary who have special education needs and disabilities follow one of four learning pathways- Pre formal, Semi- formal Explore, Semi- formal Challenge or Formal.
Pre-formal: Learners on this pathway have complex communication & interaction difficulties alongside complex social interaction difficulties, medical, or behavioural needs.
Semi- Formal Explore: Learners will have opportunities to focus on emerging communication, physical, social, and emotional and cognitive skills that are the foundation of learning.
Semi-Formal Challenge: Learners will have opportunities to access key areas of the national curriculum with support with an emphasis on promoting communication, learner voice and problem-solving skills.
Formal: The Formal learning pathway is for those pupils who may have physical, sensory, communication or medical needs, but who are cognitively able to access the National Curriculum subjects.
How does the school ensure inclusion?
At Dersingham we ensure inclusion through equal opportunities for all children, some will need reasonable adaptations for children to reach their full potential.
Assessment using Evidence for Learning - click on link below
Pupils are assessed by using a range of statutory assessment frameworks to measure their progress through the various stages of their learning. Progress is updated, reported and tracked continuously through ‘Evidence for Learning’ tracking system that evidences progress made from pupils’ starting points.